PLEASE NOTE: The database is a work in progress and does not yet contain all the Legislation for South Africa.

HISTORICAL VERSIONS (see below for explanation) of Acts and Regulations are no longer included in the database, but may be requested from us and, if available, will be supplied free of charge.

CONTRIBUTION REQUEST: We rely on your contributions to continue to provide the Legislation free to everyone. If this website is important to you, please go to the "Contributions" tab


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The website contains:

  • Updated or consolidated legislation. All amendments are included.
  • “Current legislation” gives you access to the latest or “in force” version.
  • Regulations to Acts. (Where the full text is not available, this may be requested)
  • Using Historical versions of Acts and Regulations, or “Point-in-time” legislation makes it possible to look at a piece of legislation as it was at a particular time. For example - if a matter arose or occurred in June 2005 one would need to use the version of the applicable Act for that time. If it was a liquidation or sequestration matter one would consult the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, using the appropriate chronological period, or the appropriate historical version.
  • The Acts and Regulations are in PDF format.

Support is provided by the University of Pretoria.