Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences)
Open Access (ISSN: 0941-2948, e-ISSN 1610-1227)

Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences) - originally founded in 1884 - is the joint open access journal of the meteorological societies of Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Historical note

Meteorologische Zeitschrift was founded in 1866 by the “Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (ÖGM) ”; starting 1886 it was published jointly with the “Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft” (DMG). The German, Austrian and Swiss Meteorological Societies refounded the Journal in 1992, thereby merging Meteorologische Rundschau and Zeitschrift für Meteorologie (published by the Meteorological Society of the former GDR) into Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Since January 2000, the journal is published united with Beiträge zur Physik der Atmosphäre (cited as Contributions to Atmospheric Physics) under its previous title Meteorologische Zeitschrift.
Beginning with Vol 23, 2014, all papers published in Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) are published as Open Access papers.

Open Access

As of Volume 23, 2014, Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences)is an full Open Access journal; content is available at Papers are published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license (see: Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) is listed in DOAJ (the Directory of Open Access Journals).

Aims and Scope

Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences) accepts high-quality, English language, double peer-reviewed manuscripts on all aspects of observational, theoretical and computational research on the entire field of meteorology, atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry including climatology. Manuscripts from applied sectors such as, e.g., Environmental Meteorology or Energy Meteorology are particularly welcome. Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences) represents a natural forum for the meteorological community of Central Europe and worldwide.

Editorial policy

Beginning with Volume 23, 2014, Meteorologische Zeitschrift (Contributions to Atmospheric Sciences) is a Full Open Access Journal open to original manuscripts in the English language from all fields of atmospheric sciences, covering meteorology and climatology, including the interaction of the lower atmosphere with the oceans, the land surfaces, and the middle and upper atmosphere. Short contributions, and review articles are particularly invited. Six issues are published per annum and form one volume. Articles published in this journal are expected to make interesting and novel contributions from all topics of meteorology, including theoretical and experimental investigations, numerical simulations, statistical studies, information about operational work in meteorological services and on applied meteorology (including environmental meteorology and energy meteorology). Contributions on the philosophy and history of atmospheric sciences are also welcome.
In addition to original papers and short communications, review articles, special reports (e.g. on Innovative projects), laudatory articles, and obituaries are published. Special issues on specific topics or conferences may be published as feasible. Papers must not have been published previously elsewhere. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their papers. For more information please see the section on editorial policies.

Print subscription

A print subscription is still available on request, for those who require printed copies; please contact the Publisher for a quote.

Publication frequency

One volume, consisting of 6 numbers is published each year in A4 format (21 cm x 29.7 cm).
If you require further information about Meteorologische Zeitschrift and how to subscribe to it, please feel free to contact (customer service) with any questions you might have.


Papers published in Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) are covered by Science Citation Index-Expanded/SciSearch®, Meteorological Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA), Research Alert®, and Current Contents®/physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, ISI Alerting Services, Elsevier GEO-Abstracts, EBSCO Inspec with Full Text FT Feeder Database.